Welcome to my first ever blog. I plan to include news of my successes and failures working as an illustrator, and any exciting events that happen at Studio three.
Having just returned from a recent visit to Paris,
I have a lot of catching up to do. I found yet another returned set of books on my desk, from a publisher I didn't even remember sending out to.
The Plan.....
First of all, the Gallery has now been made more secure following the recent break in. Thankfully, my unexpected visitors were appreciative of art and carefully lifted paintings out of the way, rather than damaging anything. They helped themselves to my profit for the week (which was negligible of course!) and an ancient computer with my accounts for Studio three on. I can't face tackling re- hashing them just yet.
Meanwhile I am still ploughing my way through a new counting book, which I want to get a bit further along the line with before approaching prospective agents. After my recent disappointment with Barefoot books, after a 6 month wait, I have finally given in, and accepted that an agent would know where to send all this stuff to.
I'm also building a database of galleries to send out to, and have only got as far as 'F' so far....
Today is handing in day at Chichele College (Chichele Open), so I have to get that ready, and its also leafleting day and its a bit rainy, lucky me.
At the end of the week I have to take down my exhibition at Jesus Army Centre, Northampton in time to put it up again at Rothwell Library next week.
Liz Pops in at the Weekend to bring her Photos for exhibition at Studio three for all of June and July, so its the last chance to see Rae Flack and Charlotte Basson this week.
Thanks Fraser for persuading me to BLOG.