Saturday 12 September 2009

Garden Calendar

7 Cucumbers drying out in greenhouse, Okra nearly finished. Many Okra plants developed a brown ring on the stem (in August). I think due to over watering. Then they withered above the brown ring and died off, but continued to grow from below it. Peppers were disappointing this year. Will grow less tomatoes and put peppers in the ground next year.
Planted out winter cabbage and winter Caulflower today.
8 Round Courgettes have finished, only had about 4 so a bit disappointing. Marrow plant has been incredible about 10 marrows on one plant at once.
9 Butternut squash very late as usual. 2 developing on 1 plant. Donald picked one thinking it was a young marrow!
10 Carrots were successful in quantity. I made a screened area for them to stop carrot fly, and set a lot of seed in order to achieve germination. Still digging them up as required, but they are extremely forked
11 8 runner bean plants has been plenty. I have frozen several bags. The climbing french beans had a dappled look, and were smooth to touch. Also very tasty. Still picking both types of bean
Noticed today that the leeks appear to have rust
Still squashing caterpillars, but think I am winning the battle.

12 Also still picking purple dwarf beans but the plants have no more blossom on them now. We have not had any substancial rain since I returned from Holiday.
Still picking a few sweet pea. Asparagus pea prolific but don't taste nice. Leaving them to get fat then will take them out of the pods. No more flowers on them now.

21 All carrots dug up today and stored in a bucket of compost outside the back door. They were getting eaten by something
Also planted 2 types of garlic today Marco andCristo, purchased from Poddington
We've had no rain for a month now, ground is hard to dig.

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