Since last writing in my blog, I was bitten through a letterbox whilst delivering leaflets, by HIGGINS. For all I know, Higgins could be a sabre toothed tiger, as never laid eyes on him. However, he has redeemed himself by sending me these flowers and a cute note.
My God it was painful. I screamed but nobody came, and I couldn't leave, with my hand stuck through the letter box and Higgins dangling from it on the other side.
The following week, not to be put off, I tackled the leafleting again, only this time, having been pyschologically disturbed, I decided to leave any tricky letterboxes with leaflets hanging out rather than risk another nibble.
And so I get an abusive message left on my mobile, from a neighbour hood watch enthusiast. I can't win.
My faith has been restored as Higgins and his owners are putting up a notice and a cage (on the back of the letterbox, not around Higgins). Tomorrow, I'll be back to check.
All my illustrations for the book are finished, just the front cover and end pages to go now, and then an assembly exercise. I finally managed to hook up to my studio printers again, after my old laptop was stolen, and can now print in colour and black and white, but cannot scan as yet.
I am now ready to contact agents, methinks.
The Vietnamese exhibition was swiftly moved from Northampton Jesus Centre to Rothwell with no real problems, other than they wouldn't let me in at Rothwell. Once they had granted me admittance, they were very nice to me.
I managed to get chosen for the Chichele Open, but sadly nobody bought it. Its only my second group exhibition so I'm learning as I go along. I also exhibited over at Brixworth, where they had record sales over the weekend, but again, not with my work.
Next on the agenda is the Wellingborough Open and Piddington Church, and Chichele again with a different group of artists. I think the Kettering open ends soon, so I will be off to collect more work that didn't sell.
Liz Kearsley's exhibition is now up at Studio three and looks great. She is showing photographs from all over the world. In fact, Studio three has had an overhaul, everything has been moved on the walls and it looks lovely.
I'm still adding to the number of items for sale on my etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5661497. The latest editions include a Penguin children's nursery print and a Panda. These are from the book I'm currently working on, the images from my nearly published book are on there too.
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