Saturday, 12 September 2009

Make Shift Gardening Calendar

Due to lack of calendar for use on the internet. I've decided to use my blog space to write up the progress of the allotment.
Swede has not grown successfully but celeriac has worked
Finished picking asparagus at the end of June
Rhibarb picked until end of July
The Garlic was dug up in July and was successful
Spinach sown throughout July and August kept bolting in greenhouse and earlier sown plants bolted outside.
Many radishes bolted in July/Aug. AM Looking for Chinese Radish next year.
Aubergines became anemic in Greenhouse, were on bottom shelf. I put them outside but they never recovered despite nice warm weather. Thin type of Aubergine. Would grow fat ones next year.

Picked Sweetcorn, but some never came to maturity before drying out. Plants I bought from Poddington shrivelled and died, but the ones grown from seed were better. Need at least 30 plants next year.
Many Raspberries throughout the month, but now from the Autumn fruiting plants. Raspberry mite has been a problem. Have to spray early next year.
Pak Choi completely distroyed by flea beetle.
Onions dug up mid August

29 Dug up Potatoes
30 - 6th Sep Away on Holiday

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